Aarhus University Seal

(This project ran from 2015 to 2021, the website is no longer being updated)


The purpose of this project is to investigate contemporaneity as a defining condition of our historical present. Contemporaneity refers to the temporal complexity that follows from the coming together in the same cultural space of heterogeneous cultural clusters generated along different historical trajectories, across different scales, and in different localities. [...] The project will primarily concentrate on contemporary art and experimental artistic practice as its material with a particular interest in the role of contemporary media and computational technologies.

The project is led by Associate Professor Jacob Lund and Associate Professor Geoff Cox, with PhD fellows Camma Juel Jepsen, Anne Kølbæk Iversen, Johanne Løgstrup, Ryan Nolan, and Postdoc Verina Gfader.

The Contemporary Condition is a research project at Aarhus University made possible by a grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research, and runs from 2015 to 2019.